Thursday, September 6, 2007

Paul and Frances - Making the Vacation Possible

Does their grandma think they are still this cute?

One of the first things that we had to consider when we began thinking seriously about taking this trip to Europe was who was going to watch out for our teenagers during our absence. Mom agreed immediately when we asked her, which suggests to me that she may not have thought hard enough about what was involved, and she probably didn't ask Dad (who is famously hard to budge off the farm...)! Then again, her extensive experience raising seven teenagers of her own makes her very well qualified. Besides, everyone says that children behave so much better for anyone who is not Mom or Dad. I suppose that this is possible, at least in theory...

In any event, so far as our trip was concerned our first major obstacle was pushed out of the way. Thanks Grandma (and Grandpa)! And yes, they are still this cute - only more so!


Anonymous said...

Things are going good, kids are super. Grandpa has strep throat, so he got a prescription from the doctor. Nick would like you to leave an email email with his social security number if you have it. Please email it to Andrea at or else let us know where to find it. Hope you guys are having fun and hope the plane ride was alright. Was the security really tight before you got on the plane? Let us know.

-Grandma && Andrea

Anonymous said...

daddy i need my social secerity number so i can get a job...